1957-Newsletters 1958- Youth activities 1958- GBCL news 1959- Welsh Road footway 1959- News and more footway 1960- Nursing Home News 1960-Old bylaws 1960-Meeting notices 1960-Library 1961-4/6-NE Federation 1961-GBCL news 1962-Pep talk letter 1962-GBCL news 1962 Chest xrays 1962 School issue 1963-GBCL news 1964 3/12-Local politicians 1964-GBCL News of the year 1965-GBCL -News of the year 1965 Bustleton Avenue Library dedication 1966-GBCL election 1966-GBCL news 1967-Dorie Sider elected 1967-GBCL news